
Rules & Categories

Monthly Show Bench Competition

Categories and Sections (Up to 3 entries per person per section)

Category A: Flowers (one stem)
1. Flower of the month (see list below)
2. One Rose
3. One stem of any other flower (i.e. Not a rose)
4. One stem of foliage (No flowers or flower buds)
5. Flowering shrub (in flower)

Category B: Floral Art
1. Any floral arrangement in water
2. Arrangement of the month(themed each month)

Category C: Container (more than one stem)
1. Flowers of Tubers, Corms, Bulbs or Rhizomes
2. Container of flowers
3. Container of flowering shrub in flower (one variety – e.g. Camellias or Dahlias)
4. Potted plant (including Cacti or Succulent)

Flower of The Month

MonthFeatured Flower
FebruaryContainer of Dahlias
MarchOne Rose
AprilContainer of Chrysanthemums
MayContainer of Autumn Flowers
JuneOne Stem of Australian Native Flower
JulyThree Different Camellias
AugustThree Spring Bulbs
SeptemberMagnolia, Lilac or Rhododendron
OctoberOne Stem of Iris
NovemberContainer of Roses

Category D: Garden Produce (See over for details)
1. Above-ground Vegetable e.g. Peas, silver beet, pumpkin, rhubarb
2. Below-ground Vegetable e.g. Beetroot, carrots, leeks, parsnips, potatoes
3. Herbs (flowering or non-flowering, mixed)
4. Fruits and nuts e.g. Lemons, apples, tomatoes, berries, walnuts
5. Novice

Requirements For Category D – Garden Produce

Vegetables: Numbers required for an exhibit.

5 Artichokes (Globe & Jerusalem), Asparagus, Beans, Brussels Sprouts, Mushrooms, Peas (Pods, Sugar, Snow), Peppers (chilli) Radishes, Rhubarb stalks, Silverbeet stalks, Spinach plants, Spring Onions, Shallots.

3 Beetroot, Capsicums, Carrots, Garlic, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Onions, Parsnips, Potatoes, Salad (Greenhead), Salsify, Squash (baby) Sweet Corn, Turnips, Witlof, Zucchini.

1 Broccoli (head), Cabbage, Cauliflower (head), Celeriac, Celery (head) Cucumber, Egg Plant, Lettuce (head), Marrow, Pumpkin, Squash.

Note: Vegetables should be free from excessive soil, insect, or mechanical damage and of even size and colour.

Fruit: Numbers required for an exhibit.

6 Berries: Blackberries, Blueberries, Boysenberries, Gooseberries, Loganberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Youngberries.

3 Any other fruit including Tomatoes.

1 Melon, Grapes (bunch)

Nuts: Numbers required for an exhibit.

5 Almonds, Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Walnuts etc.

Rules For Monthly Showbench

  • Points awarded. 1st = 3 points, 2nd = 2 points, 3rd = 1 point. Best exhibit = 1 point (Totalled at end of year)
  • All exhibits must be grown by the exhibitor, except flowers/foliage in Floral Art category.
  • Container grown plants must have been in your possession for at least three months.
  • Place name cards with your name on, face down in front of the container/exhibit.
  • If exhibiting something a bit unusual, having the name displayed will be of interest to others.
  • Container must be clean and all stems must be in water.
  • When a flower is “flower of the month” it must be displayed in that section only.
  • Up to 3 (three) entries per person per section.
  • Place flowers so they face the judge. A small piece of packing such as paper or moss can be placed in the top of the container to stabilize the stem.
  • Entries to be placed prior to 9.30am ready to be judged.
  • Anything not on the schedule will be for display only.
  • One entry will be selected as ‘Best exhibit’ each month (one additional point for this).
  • This schedule (April 2022) supersedes all previous ones and applies only to the Warragul & District Garden Club monthly competition.
  • The decision of the judge is final.

An award will be made to the most successful exhibitor each year (The Lester Mason Trophy), and prizes given for the most successful exhibitor in each category.

15 49.0138 8.38624 1 0 4000 1 300 0

Next Meeting: Monday 28th October