Vegetable Gardening

Summer in the Vegetable Gardening should be a time to enjoy the fruits of labour undertaken during winter and Spring with the harvesting of Peas, Beans, Garlic, Shallots. Potatoes, Onions, Zucchinis, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Sweet Corn. It is also the time to plant more, for a continuation of supply of Beans, Beetroot, Spring Onions and Sweet Corn. The last time to plant Sweet Corn is about the middle of January so that it matures around Easter. Any seeds planted in Summer will need plenty of water for them to germinate if the weather is dry. In mid-to-late February, plant seeds of Winter vegetables such as Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Chinese Cabbage, Leeks and Lettuce. Spring onions, Parsnips, Beetroot and Shallots can also be planted. Trim lower leaves from Tomatoes to allow quicker ripening and pinch out the tops of the plants before they get too high. Feed late crops of beans and sweetcorn with a liquid fertiliser.