


Begin Rose pruning around the middle of June, starting with climbers but if necessary, in frost prone areas, delay for a few weeks, as severe frosts can be experienced in July and August. Pruning promotes new growth, and this can be burned by frosts.  Do not put rose pruning’s or old mulch in your compost.  After removing all dead leaves and old mulch, gently fork in some Seamungus and then a dressing of Dolomite Lime. Spray with Lime Sulphur or Copper Oxychloride on the bushes and all around them. Install and repair any watering systems as this is the best time to get easy access.

Don’t be afraid to cut back hard those bushes that have become ugly and overgrown. So long as cuts are not made below the graft the bush will grow strongly again, especially if given plenty of fertiliser in Spring. Before starting to prune, take a good look at the plant, identify those branches are dead and cut them out first. Of the ones that remain decide which are the youngest and prune out some of the older ones, especially those that are growing into the centre of the bush. The aim is to finish with an open centre which allows access to the sun and air flow preventing establishment of disease. Overall cut the bush back by 50-60%.

When pruning roses in pots, at least every second year, after pruning the top, take the bush out of its pot and prune the roots by at least a half, repotting it with fresh, high quality potting mix.

Standard Roses are pruned in exactly the same way, it is just that the bush is that much higher off the ground.

With climbing roses, remove the old spent canes and replace with the new ones tied into place. Then shorten up the lateral branches to two buds in length.

After pruning remove all dead leaves and rubbish from the rose bed and spray thoroughly with Lime Sulphur to kill overwintering aphids, mites and fungal spores, Two weeks later spray with Liquid Copper mixed with White Oil (do not mix White Oil wit Lime Sulphur), including the earth all around the bushes.

Apply Seamungus at the time of planting but wait until the third or fourth week in August before providing the required amount of Sudden Impact for Roses. Use Seamungus in the bottom of the hole when planting new bare-rooted roses.

Augusta Louise
Fragrant Plum
Competition Results
15 49.0138 8.38624 1 0 4000 1 300 0

Next Meeting Monday 22nd August: 2024.