The Well-Gardened Mind
Cultivating Joy – Gardening Australia
This is the Gardening Australia segment from 11th October 2024 That involved Dr Sue Stuart-Smith our main speaker at our Symposium ‘The Well Gardened Mind’ It was filmed just before she left to go home. (Click to view)
The ‘Well-Gardened Mind’ is a unique book published in mid-2020. It describes, with many examples how our well-being can be affected and restored through contact with gardening. While members of our club, during our own session “Why I am a Gardener”, described how gardening gave them pleasure and relaxation of the brain, in a world full of stress, this book by UK renowned psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Dr Sue Stuart-Smith, goes beyond that and indicates just how we can make best use of our hobby.
It is well worth reading and hopefully will generate ideas of how we can help others benefit from our pastime, especially those that from time to time suffer from depressive illness.
Dr Stuart-Smith presented details of her work at a special symposium on March 4th 2024 together with two supporting speakers Steven Wells from Austin Health and Tanya Bearup from ‘My Garden Space’. (See Below)

Steven Wells, Nurse, Horticultural Therapist & Gardener