


The Spring, has this year, been kind to us resulting in some of the best displays for years. However, flowering was as much as two weeks early with the result that there were in many cases so few of the first crop available for competitions.

The ideal weather is continuing as we go into the New Year, although some extreme days of heat are likely to cause damage. Sudden impact for Roses should be applied regularly and a good summer prune (with plenty of water and fertiliser) six to seven weeks prior to Easter, should result in a good display at that time

Much of the summer’s activity centres around the provision of sufficient water. For roses to keep flowering during the summer each rose bush will require the provision of about 4 litres twice a week and even more during lengthy hot spells. Deep watering is essential. as a daily sprinkle on the surface will result in the fibrous young roots coming up to the surface to find it, resulting in them getting burned. Drippers are ideal for regular watering, especially where the amount given to each plant can be regulated,

Mulch should be applied before the really hot days arrive. Not only does it help to retain moisture in the soil but it will control weed growth. There are a number of mulches available, bark, pea straw, sugar cane, lucerne and Neutrog’s Who Flung Dung, all of which will break down to provide organic nutrients. Avoid wood chips as they tend to take too much nitrogen from the soil. Fresh Eucalypt mulch should be avoided, as it will make the soil too acid as it breaks down, sometimes even killing the plant

Black Spot fungous disease will appear early in summer and spraying to prevent its devastating effect should be undertaken by the end of September. The safest sprays are Eco Rose and Eco Fungicide.

Augusta Louise
Fragrant Plum
Competition Results
15 49.0138 8.38624 1 0 4000 1 300 0

Next Meeting: February 24th 2025 at 9.30am, Senior Citizens' Centre Warragul. Speakers: Ebonie & Mat Price. The secret of Mushrooms