
Things to do this month

Things to do in the garden in December/January

Most activities in the garden at this time of year usually relate to the need to provide
sufficient water to plants. As soon as temperatures over 30oC arrive, sprinklers and
soaker hoses need to be put into position. Drippers are the best way to water roses. Try
to provide 4 litres (a bucketful) per rose at least twice a week. Mulching with bark, pea
straw, Sugar Cane mulch, Who Flung Dung or Lucerne will be beneficial for both flowers
and vegetables. Wood shavings or bark mulch is OK but they take a lot of nitrogen from
the soil during the breakdown process. Eucalypt chips or pine needles can be used in
the garden for pathways but are not recommended for roses. They can cause acidity
and may kill the rose. So, make sure to provide the plants with relevant fertiliser. If you
saw the roses at Flemington during the Cup Carnival, it is obvious which is the best
fertiliser to use-Sudden Impact for Roses.
In the vegetable garden – Sow seed of Radish, Beans, Parsnips, Zucchini, Squash,
Pumpkin and Beetroot. Plant seedlings of Spring Onions and Silver beet. Plant more
Sweet Corn for a crop in March (best results are often obtained with Sweetcorn sown in
December, provided the bed is kept wet during germination). Plant tomatoes for a late
crop, also Chilli, Beans & Capsicum.
In the flower garden – Plant seedlings of Petunias, Impatiens, Lobelia, Alyssum,
Dianthus, Lupins, Madeira Daisies, Marigolds, Candytuft, Zinnias and Cleome. Most of
the above are also available as potted colour. Sow seeds of a whole range of summer
loving flowers such as Salvias, Petunias, Dianthus, Ageratum, Alyssum, Lobelia and
Wildflower Mix. Apply the next dose of Sudden Impact for Roses when deadheading in
early December. Start dividing Irises, especially if not done in the last 3 years.
Lawns – Mow regularly. Keep the blades high to prevent early drying of the soil
underneath. Apply water where necessary. It is better to give one big soaking once or
twice a week rather than small amounts daily.
Fruit trees – Keep the base of all fruit trees free of weeds. Treat any Scale on Citrus
trees. Their presence is often indicated by Sooty Mould or ants running up into the
trees. Prepare nets for plums, apricots and early peaches.

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Next Meeting: January 27th 2025 at 9.30am, Senior Citizens' Centre Warragul.